quiet conversations overheard
alone at my table
intimately connected
with eye contact and smiles.
an old man goes in
the women's toilet
and I smile and wonder
if I'll do that anytime soon...
I ask about business and bus schedule
and think of present time
as a magnet
attracting past and future -
a multi-levelled dance club
all neon and pounding bass
beautiful people and the night-crazed
pulled in by immediacy
and grinding need to belong -
I think of this as I finish my coffee
and pretend I can't read minds
can't feel the world as a womb
and me just ready to be born.
Perry: I think this one just might be your best ever. In every way. Had to let you know.
Why thankee, little miss... I wrote it with almost no edit in Robins, my favourite coffee shop, beside my little house in Greenwood, maybe 5 years ago. Sometimes I get a lift when I finish a piece, this was one of those times. You're a good girl for actually taking the time to read it.
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