Sunday, April 22, 2007


when you're in your house
late at night, all so quiet,
can you feel your heartbeat?
can you hear your heart
just beside your inner ear?
and do you sometimes turn your head
looking for a shadow,
moving just outside your vision?
hesitating, a frown crossing
your gentle face,
do you wonder at what's gone before
and what's waiting for you tomorrow?

late at night, if I'm sometimes with you
in your thoughts,
those shadows are me
playing with the edges of reality
peering through these clouds of despair,
looking for the truth of you
out of sight
as always.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

continuation (one more for Jenna)

and I wake once again
to proverbs and testimonies
sunshine and small
Neil Young and "Cinnamon Girl",;
wishing not for revelation
but for continuation
"I see your baby loves to dance,"
; and as the sun climbs
in the eastern sky
my sanity lies before me
in four pictures -
my brother, my sisters,
my parents -
my beautiful
beautiful children.
prayers and calculations,
small puzzlements...
I wake once again.

this day
prayers and calculation
no time for revelation
simply an effort in summation,
I wake and look out my window
at the wind running by
a mote of dust in my eye.
crows and little rings of color
playing right over there
on the edge of my universe.
the crows stop still
while I play with no rhyme
and forget
of course
the passage of time
and the wind running by.