and I wake once again
to proverbs and testimonies
sunshine and small
Neil Young and "Cinnamon Girl",;
wishing not for revelation
but for continuation
"I see your baby loves to dance,"
; and as the sun climbs
in the eastern sky
my sanity lies before me
in four pictures -
my brother, my sisters,
my parents -
my beautiful
beautiful children.
prayers and calculations,
small puzzlements...
I wake once again.
this day
prayers and calculation
no time for revelation
simply an effort in summation,
I wake and look out my window
at the wind running by
a mote of dust in my eye.
crows and little rings of color
playing right over there
on the edge of my universe.
the crows stop still
while I play with no rhyme
and forget
of course
the passage of time
and the wind running by.
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