Tuesday, December 25, 2007
... in keeping with the season
Friday, November 16, 2007
the 9th
and last night runs through my body
like alcohol;
my God
the music plays
and on the phone I say - listen, just listen -
seeking empathy,
spiritual barter.
mind seeks rest
more or less
- Douglas Adams -
more or less - yelling at him,
"throw the goddam thing
out the window, man."
after we all talked,
me stupid,
you smartie,
one but more or less,
shut your mouth, girl,
give me a hug - when will I see you again?
ground mist,
110 kph,
"alright, the ashtray then, shit,
you want to save the world?"
Sunday, September 23, 2007

whispering to you in the silence
as the moon gives its slow gleaming
to the walls, the blankets, our bodies,
I tell you of all the times
I might have saved the world
but for the absence of control
the inability to organize
the realization of weakness and
such implacable impossibility.
your face on my chest
your hand cradling my head
as I say these words
your leg gathering moonlight and shadow
stirring and collecting it,
moving it to a place
where songs begin -
you cover me with it finally
moving so softly that the silence never stirs -
brushing my face with a kiss after my story
of the battles I've fought for sanity,
you tell me you love me,
the sound escaping from your perfect lips
like some song no one's heard before;
you tell me you understand
you tell me I'm a good man,
as you touch me and a feeling comes around us
like a blessing
and I give myself to you
and the light and the shadows.
as breathing slows and we separate
only far enough to see, to focus
on eyes and lips and not lose contact
with the places where songs begin
you whisper in silence
in softness you tell me of dreams
and fantasy fulfilled
and the final realization that all wishes come true
that we together could save the world
if we wanted,
while your hair under my hand
feels like a child's
and I can't stop myself from saying
"I've never loved another,"
and you laugh all low and small
and put your lips on mine -
your lips to mine you say,
"of course you haven't,"
and we laugh in through past the contact
neither of us wants to break.
moonlight and shadow and our truth
our hearts open and gathering
harvesting - mixing and taking
from the folds of the night
bodies all at once
our hearts so open
to the reality of our love
our words, the strength in our eyes,
the urgency of our touch as we sing
amazed, amazing songs of reaching, releasing,
the rediscovery, finally,
of rightness and beauty,
this is beautiful
this is right -
then we drift together in the very comfort
of bedrock, absolute reality of ourselves,
the indescribable oneness, something so sane,
a feeling like a blessing,
a thank you sentence in a book,
a gratitude that
this is where we've always been
this is where we stay
as long as we will
as long as we can
replenishing, returning to
you and I here
hearts open to moonlight
to shadows
to the folds of the night.
(for everyone in love, with love)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
letter to a Friend

You're a gem, my Suzy girl, yes you are.
John and I didn't spend a lot of time together, myself being busy cutting a bit of a swath through the community - (he WAS remote, and supercool, and a bit braggy about his exploits, but a good guy, I guess), - but in a way so as not to hurt anybody.
That was the major difference between Mr. D. and me, I think - he had no idea the hurt he was causing, while I was incurably romantic and subscribing to the 'love somebody, then let them fly' philosophy. Basically, I loved women, and I suspect Mr. D didn't like them very much at all. And maybe that's why he was a little tetched by the time we left to head out west. Tetched enough to ..... (expletives and some details expurgated in recognition of Mr. D's continuing friendship....) and leaving for the middle of the ball field, where I used to go when I had a bad trip going on. I remember at least one night when you walked with me through a terrible bummer I was having, hallucinating violence and all... I always felt so easy and calm with you...
Love is blind - and the unrequiteable receiver just as blind. Your story of John G. sending you that letter, praising his new wife and all, it seems so unfeeling, but it is probable that he never knew how deeply you loved him. When I left St Mags I was still blinded by Love, mostly for Hed, sure, but also for the whole community, the innocence we all put aside. The death of the '60's, my God, I was sooo sad! So many of us left that place with business unfinished, I think, me heading for some place called Winnipeg, when all I wanted was to stay in that little hole in the woods with you all, because we all seemed to need the place so much. Mr. D and I traveled together, and I'd break down now and then, and he'd call me a wimp. Fuckin man... I phoned him just this past birthday, we were both May 26th babies, him in '50, me in '51. We talked for an hour and a half, and I understood what our friendship was made of, and how eternal that part of my life was. He lost everything, then gained it mostly back - his Mom and Dad are gone, his wife also, and he's been a very sad man. Karma... Lennon was right of course. He's heading this way, maybe. We'll meet for coffees and talk about the whole schlamoozle. And I'll tell him that, really, it's all okay with me now. And that he's still probably the best friend I ever had, or so my perverse and "mature" heart tells me - I managed to hang onto that last bit of late-60s innocence, so that in my travels I still get surprised by life, by people, all the time.
When I was in my first year in the Forces in Ottawa, I received a wedding invitation from Hed. I went downtown, bought a dime, and smoked the whole thing in back of the Parliament buildings and cried and cried. Oh God, such a hurting little guy I was, so torn away from, so needy... such a baby, unready for life and what it had to dish out to me. I had such a feeling of loss, such a giant hole in my soul.
I'm better now. It's because I never lost that last little bit of innocence, of Hope. And, miracle, so many others that I knew and loved are still wide-eyed to a near enough degree that we all can still hold ourselves close.
I'd like to dig up a couple of pics and post this on my personal blog - would that be okay? I'm overflowing this morning.
Love you, my lmsqk,
Friday, August 10, 2007
if I'd'a been (incomplete, forever)
if I'd'a been someone else
and not this tightly controlled
manic-depressive engine - low on oil and burnin'
rubber; a soul crazed for quiet repose, and direct,
somnambulent eye contact...
if I'd'a been, but -
me I am;
child of God,
father to three,
the least and the most, a simple man, here with my father
in Gaia,
Fred to his friends, and my mother Elaine, woman of strength
and morality - Summerside Patriarch and Matriarch.
if I'd'a been - but then
good wouldn't be
so very, very good, and bad
so terribly
scarily present... with Hell to show us,
so we might learn
to discern.
in Love
I look at it All, all this Art,
and rejoin the Painter, this harbinger of
treat myself
ever so kindly, ever so gently.
if I'd'a been... but,
I'd not have me
to argue with late into the night -
and I wouldn't have God to say goodnight and good morning to.
I'd have never loved and hated so strongly as I do.....
26 June 2007
Hi everyone - good summer for you all? I went away, learned a thing or two, and now I'm back to bug you all...
Donnie, you still around?
How's she goin', LMSQK?
And all the rest of you - I've missed you...
Perry Deepdale
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Your Aura is Violet |
![]() Idealistic and thoughtful, you have the mind and ideas to change the world. And you have the charisma of a great leader, even if you don't always use it! The purpose of your life: saying truths that other people dare not say Famous purples include: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony Careers for you to try: Political Activist, Inventor, Life Coach |
Friday, July 13, 2007
except the outline of your house and i
stood at the end of the driveway and i
raised my camera and knew this one would be special and as i
snapped the shutter i saw something scary - dead
because there are different levels of death
as in life
story has it that we all died in the 60s, in a nuclear conflagaration
or run over by a bus
maybe poisoned at Woodstock
or in final deadly ecstasy at the realization that
God made another Eden
you know how that
do they guard or
do they wish to create havoc?
i don't know
i died in '69...

there you are
offering enticing
as i stand at the foot of the bed
watching as you play
alive in need
in want
pleasure waiting
and you on fire
burning like incense
your skin glowing
changing the colour of your eyes -
i watch
and think
my focus
my food.
29 March 2003
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
later on...
and left the lights on, walking into their pathway,
into the thick fog
as a giant sphere
formed in front of me,
and i stopped in wonder,
listening to the waves wash up on shore:
my head said,
my body said,
"don't get too close"
my soul said - "why do you not recognize me?"
finally walking back to the car
i turned the lights out and stood
in the dark
in that silence
broken only by the surf
lapping at the wild rocky shore,
and i marveled -
i wondered -
and stayed just long enough
to paint a picture in my mind
made of magic and
spheroids and
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
on your feet
and your, “as long as your eyes are open and you’re standing on your feet it’s a good day,” and I wish you’d’a been a guy so I might have pushed you down, even if I would never have of course, you being tiny and pretty and even if you’d been 6 ft 200 lbs with a beard I’d not have touched you because I’m not like that and besides you made a very good point and whatever I thought, however I was feeling, you had every right to say that, and mostly bolster your own good feelings right then, and just because I was feeling pretty lousy myself and out of love as usual, though I felt like I was close to actually having a girlfriend who I talked to on the phone now and then and wished was here and I might have been falling face first into love like I hadn’t since I was a kid, but just because I happened to be feeling like a fly on a windshield when you said that, I should never have told you to
bite me.
20 November 2002
Friday, June 22, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007

Creation. Light and Dark. Creator, God, Buddha, the Grand Wazoo - all are credited with Creation, the bringing of order from chaos.
God created light, from darkness.
God created good, from evil.
God created woman, from man.
Darkness, the absence of light, would seem in logic to have pre-existed creation. In order to bring about good, evil must have abounded universally, a sort of reverse template in the Divine's wish and need for an opposite. From infinite chaos comes finite order, a regulatory system in which elements of chaos funnel down and combine to make sense, fragile and seemingly defenseless against the forces continually at work to tear it apart.
Yet order, life, the organization of chaos into sensibility, fights on. Why? How?
And so we come to "purpose" and "desire" and that lonely singularity, "beauty". There is a reason behind it all, an explanation for the existence of life against the impossible odds stacked against it by darkness and random, rapacious evil. We seek, presumably, to find the answers, the reason. We are caught up in the Mystery, and we look for God, however we may imagine him, under every rock and around every corner.
Maybe someday God will reveal himself to us, but for now, vive the mystery, and hooray for our drive to find the answers. It makes this life so very interesting...
13 May 1995
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Talking to God - there if you need him...

God's pretty busy, what with being everything, everywhere, everyone, so at times it can seem so very hard to reach him, try as you might. Some of us have prayers we learned in church, some of us make a prayer up and say it aloud, because we believe God loves to actually hear someone talking with him in Faith. When a connection is made between you and your God (for there are as many Gods as there are people, I suppose) you know it to be true, because it causes a certain sensation in your mind, body and spirit. This is the ultimate connection, the clearest communication a human being can participate in.
To my mind, we all talk with God much of the time. The babble in our heads is an ever-ongoing conversation with our selves, we being children of God (yes, even the Hare Krishna, bless them), and as children of God, we're privileged to have God listen to us from time to time, he being our Father. And fathers are loving, teaching, hypercritical and judgmental, as well as very concerned for our living welfare. When we were children, our earthly fathers often took us away to be with them somewhere other than home, in order, I've heard it said New Agedly, to bond with us. So did our mothers, those incredible earthly goddesses disguised as Gaia incarnate. God, as I personally sense him, encompasses all of the concepts of family, of familial Love. And He listens to us, sorting through and making sense of the babble as only he and he alone can.
I have a secret... sometimes, when I want to get in touch with my higher power, I take a walk in the woods, find a good solid Maple or Oak, put my arms around it and squeeze. It's a bit like feeling the power of God's incredible engine here on Earth. Yes, I'm a treehugger, and glad that I am.
God is the ultimate connection, because he is everything. Be still and listen, inside and out. There God will be for you to talk to.
Be still, and listen. God will be there to put windows in your walls.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007

my darling girl,
your voice shaky in anticipation of the festival,
the music and the celebration,
as I drove you up the mountain -
your precious voice, excited and true;
"oh, I love you guys," to your friends in the back,
and all the way up the mountain
I wanted to stop the car and pull you to me
as I did when you were small,
when my heart was so warm and so open, so open to you -
as I suddenly found it now, and realized
it had been so long since I had told you -
I wanted to put your perfect head on my shoulder
and tell you
how very, very much
I have always loved you,
my beautiful
darling girl.
2 October 2002
Friday, June 08, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
that's important

I saw your eyes tell me
above the words
of your triumph over fear -
love over pain,
and I drew near.
as we talked
in candlelight
and settled with green tea, and
shared our wonder at new life found,
I thought you came
near to me.
as we held one another
then parted,
I tried to kiss you
in clumsy aftershock -
crossed your line, perhaps,
and I felt you draw
away from me.
after you'd gone, and candles put out,
your voice still echoing
in this little place...
asleep on my feet,
clumsy, complete - knowing your joy in triumph
was as strong as mine -
I closed my eyes
and drew near.
13 October 1995
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Friday, June 01, 2007
Friday funny supplementary

Humor - Bedtime Virus
Do not open any E-mail with the subject line - "Good Night, Sweetheart." It contains a nasty virus.
Apparently this one is pretty vicious.
It will not only erase everything on your hard drive , but it will also delete anything on disks within 20 feet of your computer.
It demagnetizes the stripes on ALL of your credit cards.
It reprograms your ATM access code , screws up the tracking on your VCR, and uses subspace field harmonics to scratch any CD's you attempt to play.
It will program your phone auto dial to call only 1-900 numbers.
This virus will mix antifreeze into your fish tank.
It will drink ALL your beer.
It will leave dirty underwear on the coffee table when you are expecting company.
It will replace your shampoo with Nair and your Nair with Rogaine.
If the "Bedtimes" message is opened in a Windows XP or Vista environment, it will leave the toilet seat up and leave your hair dryer plugged in dangerously close to a full bathtub.
It will not only remove the forbidden tags from your mattresses and pillows, it will also refill your skim milk with whole milk.
And if you don't send this to 5000 people in 20 seconds, you'll fart so hard that your right leg will spasm and shoot straight out in front of you, sending sparks that will ignite the person nearest you.
Send this warning to everyone!!!
Right now, as you read this, 17 Million people are having SEX!!! And look at you - you're on the damn computer!
mammatus clouds

holy crap, huh?
see more at: http://www.wtfsrsly.com
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Spring and All

Spring and All | |
by William Carlos Williams | |
By the road to the contagious hospital | |