here in this room tonight
if there's a broken heart I can't tell
except mine, of course,
this heart of mine I hide so well.
as my friends take up conversational slack
and talk of good times and bad
I listen with half an ear
coming to know other hearts, all broken and sad.
at the end of the night
I walk out and know
we are all broken hearts
mine and yours, just so.
we are all lonely, in our spaces
where we've all gone in secret, to cry:
just tonight not so alone
we smile at one another, learn to get by.
in this room tonight
our hearts we hide so well
all broken but some healing,
trying, deep and aching, our stories to tell.
we know each other and make an effort
in love and caring, each to the other.
we hope to heal all the sadness,
sharing, where before we wouldn't bother.
I'm waking up and you are too -
so many times we've fallen and found hell;
soon I'll show you my heart
this heart of mine I hide so well.
4 July 1996
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