God's pretty busy, what with being everything, everywhere, everyone, so at times it can seem so very hard to reach him, try as you might. Some of us have prayers we learned in church, some of us make a prayer up and say it aloud, because we believe God loves to actually hear someone talking with him in Faith. When a connection is made between you and your God (for there are as many Gods as there are people, I suppose) you know it to be true, because it causes a certain sensation in your mind, body and spirit. This is the ultimate connection, the clearest communication a human being can participate in.
To my mind, we all talk with God much of the time. The babble in our heads is an ever-ongoing conversation with our selves, we being children of God (yes, even the Hare Krishna, bless them), and as children of God, we're privileged to have God listen to us from time to time, he being our Father. And fathers are loving, teaching, hypercritical and judgmental, as well as very concerned for our living welfare. When we were children, our earthly fathers often took us away to be with them somewhere other than home, in order, I've heard it said New Agedly, to bond with us. So did our mothers, those incredible earthly goddesses disguised as Gaia incarnate. God, as I personally sense him, encompasses all of the concepts of family, of familial Love. And He listens to us, sorting through and making sense of the babble as only he and he alone can.
I have a secret... sometimes, when I want to get in touch with my higher power, I take a walk in the woods, find a good solid Maple or Oak, put my arms around it and squeeze. It's a bit like feeling the power of God's incredible engine here on Earth. Yes, I'm a treehugger, and glad that I am.
God is the ultimate connection, because he is everything. Be still and listen, inside and out. There God will be for you to talk to.
Be still, and listen. God will be there to put windows in your walls.